Susan Giles Susan Giles

Guest Lecture

Synchronizing Hand and Thought: Gesture, Language, and Drawing with Sally Morfill

Center for Gesture, Sign, and Language, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
May 9, 2022

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Susan Giles Susan Giles

Collaboration with composer Amy Wurtz

Homeroom: Ten x Ten

The collaboration between composer Amy Wurtz and artist Susan Giles explores memory and gesture situated in recollections of the idea of "home". Using the same source material of a recorded story and gestures of a member of a choir for senior citizens with early-stage memory loss, the artists develop dual works that bring into focus the ways movement and sound are connected to memory, place and emotion.

Ten x Ten is a dual-media collaboration between visual artists and musicians that explores the collaborative process and the translation of artistic gestures across media. 

Print made with Spudnik Press

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